Translation from the Book
Ὁ Θεός στήν ἱστορία τῆς Ἐκκλησίας, Βοήθημα Κατωτέρου Κατηχητικοῦ Γ΄,
ἐκδ. «Χριστιανική Ἐλπίς» Ὀρθόδοξη Ἀδελφότητα, Θεσσαλονίκη 2016, σσ. 159-163
Have you ever seen a desperate man? It’s easy to tell them apart because of their gloomy face and the way they struggle to talk or walk.
Miserable and disappointed two of Christ’s students were walking towards their village named Emmaus. They were walking slowly because they felt their legs heavy but their heart was heavier. For a long time they were silent. After a while they started discussing something but they were whispering as if they were afraid to be overheard. They were talking about their teacher, Jesus, Whom the teachers of the Law and the archpriests arrested, judged, and condemned to death by crucifixion overnight. These events had caused them great pain and were the reason for their gloom.
At some point they heard footsteps behind them. They turned around and saw a Stranger walking. In a minute he caught up with them and was walking beside them.
- What are you discussing that makes you look so sad?
- What else? The events of the past few days.
- Which events?
- Have you not heard what happened in Jerusalem these days? Haven’t you heard of Jesus from Nazareth? No prophet has ever spoken as He did. His words filled our hearts with strength, light, and joy! No one has done such great miracles! He made blind people see and paralyzed people walk, He cured lepers and brought dead people back to life. He even resurrected Lazarus in Bethany, who had been in the tomb for four days!
- Nevertheless, the archpriests and the rulers arrested Him secretly at night, sentenced Him and crucified Him! We hoped that he was Jesus the Messiah, our savior. Now our dreams are ruined and our hopes are dead!
- Today is the third day since all that happened. Some women of His disciples startled us early in the morning. They had gone to his tomb to offer their myrrh but they didn’t find His body! They supposedly saw angels who told them that He lives.
- Some of His disciples run to the tomb and found it empty. We no longer hope to see Him again.
Then the Stranger spoke.
- How slow you are in mind and heart! Why didn’t you think that in this way the prophecies are fulfilled? Shouldn’t the Messiah suffer before he was glorified?
He began explaining the prophecies of the Old Testament about the Messiah. His words soothed their pain and gave them strength.
- But I must leave you now. I’m going farther. They were close to their village. What a pity! They didn’t want to part ways with Him! They started pleading: “Stay with us!”. They tried to find a reason or a solid argument to keep Him around.
- It’s getting dark, stay with us!
- We will put you up, stay with us!
- Your words helped us relax, you consoled us, stay with us!
They said it several times: “Please, stay with us!”. The Stranger accepted their offer to stay in their place.
The two students were really happy! They set the table to offer Him a meal. Although they couldn’t explain it, they felt so nice in the company of that Stranger. The pain and melancholy that pressed their heart were gone. Before they started eating the Stranger took the bread, blessed it and divided it. There was something familiar in His movements. Who else used to bless the bread and divide it that way?
Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him; it was Jesus, their beloved teacher! How did they not realize it sooner? They felt a light, a fire in their heart as He was talking to them!
They couldn’t tell any of those thoughts to their teacher because he vanished. He was resurrected so he could appear and disappear whenever He wanted.
They two students immediately set off to return to Jerusalem. Now they weren’t walking slowly with heavy legs. Now they were running! Their faces were glowing of happiness. They wanted to meet the other students and tell them that Christ had really risen and they had seen Him!
Stay with us
This is the great truth, our Christ has risen and the Christians can’t help spreading the word. The Resurrection assures us that Christ, who had the power to come back to life from the dead, is the real God! After Easter and until the celebration of Ascension the Christians greet each other with the words:
- Christ is risen!
- Indeed He is risen!
There is no greater joy; our most feared enemy Death is dead! The resurrected Christ is beside us all the time.
In order for Christ to stay at our side, we need to ask Him. He is the kindest and most polite visitor. He comes close only if we ask Him to. Remember the two students who pleaded “Stay with us!”. They said it many times and they meant it because they didn’t want to be deprived of His company. It’s a sweet prayer which we can say all the time:
• on the way to our school or job
• when we study
• before we fall asleep at night
• when we pray
• whenever something bothers us
• when our family deals with a serious problem
• when our country faces difficulties or dangers
We should insistently ask Christ to stay with us and then we will enjoy His sweet company.
I have nothing to fear when almighty Christ is near!
Your presence, Christ, beside me is my safety and joy!
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