Orthodox Worship

Orthodox Worship (7)

Πέμπτη, 27 Μάιος 2021 22:36


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2b. The King of All

cheroubikos ymnos  Whenever the top leader of a nation leaves his place or presidential mansion to tour the cities and towns, the local authorities prepare a grand reception. They call the people to come out and welcome him. But who is the real, the incomparable authority of the entire world, the King of all? This leader did not receive and hold His authority by force and slaughter, or through lies, fraud and exploitation. His authority is spiritual, holy. He Himself is the source of His authority, because He is the God, the God-man, our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the King of all, as the Cherubic Hymn chants. Who can be compared with His holy Person and which government with His kingdom? On this bloodied earth the prayer of Christians will be always heard: “Thy Kingdom come” (Mt 6:10). Christ, the king of all, came here to earth without the external and vain characteristics of the political rulers of this world, without clubs and weapons, without force and exploitation, without lies and deceits. He came so humbly that the people did not recognize him. And when Christ declared before Pilate that He was then King of a kingdom very different from the kingdoms of this world, the soldiers and the mob mocked Him. They suffered, they were tortured and heavily taxed by the Caesars of Rome, and yet they chose them and not Christ the King of justice and love. The people, living under various political systems, which change so often with the hope to find joy and happiness, still behave in this way against Christ. But the only source of joy and happiness is Jesus Christ, the King of all.
  Every time there is a Divine Liturgy, Jesus comes in the humble form of bread and wine. He comes to offer His sacrifice for the salvation of the world. And all the Christians are called to receive Him: to hasten to the church, to stand with reverence and to receive Him with feelings of deep gratitude when the priest, holding the precious gifts, comes out through the northern door of the sanctuary.

Πέμπτη, 27 Μάιος 2021 22:23


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  The Divine Liturgy is a holy drama: it is a representation of all the mystical, saving works of God. He who follows the Divine Liturgy from beginning to end attentively, hears and sees marvelous things.
  Before the Great Entrance, the cantor chants the Cherubic Hymn which is the work of a pious emperor of Byzantium. The Hymn says that in this hour we are getting ready to receive the King of all like the angels and archangels in attendance, so let us be very careful. Not only our body must be present, but more especially, our soul. All our thoughts must be directed towards Christ. We should not allow any other thought to disturb us. We must pay attention to our Church’s strong exhortation: “Let us put away all worldly care”.
  The Divine Liturgy is like a radio station from heaven, on which the voice of God is heard. It is like a television of heaven, in which the sweet face of our Lord Jesus Christ is seen. If we believe that Christ Himself speaks, appears and communicates through the Divine Liturgy, then it is necessary that all our attention be directed towards it. Everything inside ourselves must be silent. Only Christ must be heard and seen.
  But does this happen? Are our thoughts with Christ at the time when the Cherubic hymn is chanted? Unfortunately, that is the time our thoughts fly away and go to different persons and things. At this time, a curious spiritual phenomenon can be observed, which shows how satan tries to detach our hearts from Christ. A variety of thoughts occur. Inside the sacred hall of the church everyone seeks to solve the problems which bother him and his thoughts wander outside the church. The entire week has 168 hours, and we cannot or do not want to dedicate ourselves to Christ for even one.
 sfikofolia Cares of life continue to bother us even during the Divine Liturgy. Thoughts surround us like hornets that sting and bother us. But as people torch and burn the nests, so we must find a way to remove from our consciousness these vain thoughts. We must destroy them and burn their nests.
  Fire is needed, a burning love for Christ. Because when this kind of fire is kindled in the heart, then during the time of the Divine Liturgy no mundane thoughts and cares will have any place there. The person of our beloved Christ will attract us so much that we will not have eyes and ears to see and hear anything else but Him. And that way we will fulfill the exhortation of the Church: “Let us put away all worldly cares, so that we may receive the King of all”.

Τετάρτη, 17 Μάρτιος 2021 13:55


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1d. “Defilement of Flesh and Spirit”

   Before the Great Entrance, the priest recites the second prayer in which he asks God to cleanse our souls and bodies “from defilement of flesh and spirit”. But what is this defilement?

  protoplastoi According to the Bible, there was a time when the first man lived in paradise. There, he enjoyed the blessings of the natural creation with a pure heart. He was clean from sin. There was no infection. Everything was pure. But when man did not obey to God’s commandment and sinned, his sin like an invisible virus attacked his body and spirit and a horrible pollution started. Sin makes man unclean before God.
   First his soul was infected by pride and selfishness. This infection attacked the body which became the instrument of the soul in various sins. A soul full of corruption gives orders to the body to execute them. A man uses his tongue to tell lies, gossip, slander, filth and he bears false witness. With his eyes he sees shameful spectacles. With his ears he hears corrupted words. With his hands he steals and kills. With his legs he runs to sinful places. In general, all the members of his body work for sins he is ashamed to even mention.
   St. John Chrysostom observes that he who commits carnal sins feels that his body is dirty and wants to wash himself immediately with plenty of water. But a thousand baths, showers and waterfalls can’t purify him. Corporal infection has progressed into the very least of the fibers and cells of his body.
   But soul can sin without the body’s cooperation. It sins with evil wishes and cunning thoughts. It sins in the secret and unseen depths of the inner world, where man’s eye can’t see. He might be in church, he might hear holy chants, the Gospel and sermon but if he is not careful, his thoughts will slide away and go to sinful persons and acts. The body which is in the church remains clean but not the soul.
   This is the “defilement of flesh and spirit” which St. Paul the Apostle asks us to avoid: “let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Cor 7:1). The priest asks God to purify him and the faithful. So, being clean in body and soul to participate in the Holy Sacraments and be made worthy to enter the heavenly Kingdom.

Τρίτη, 30 Μάρτιος 2021 13:41


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1c. “Now and forever and to the ages of ages”

 dromos After the first petition of the faithful, the priest continues: “now and forever and to the ages of ages”. Time is divided in the past, the present and the future.
  If we extend our gaze into the past ages, when God’s voice was heard: “Let there be Light” (Gen 1:3) we get some idea of the past. In comparison to the entire past, we are like a drop in the ocean. Where have we been a thousand of years before? Only in God’s mind. When people think about their past full of small and big sins are disturbed by their memories and have no peace. With various means they try to forget. But we can travel back in time and clear all the iniquities of our life through sincere repentance. For those who repent, a pit is opened up and all their sins are buried there. Prophet David sings sweetly: “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered”. Ps 31 (32):1.
  Where will we be after a thousand of years? In God’s hands. “For in him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). There are thoughts about our future. What is going to happen to me? Will I be healthy? I might face sorrows, misfortunes, obstacles in my personal or family life. These thoughts about an unknown future fill our souls with uneasiness, anxiety and impatience. Only our Lord Jesus Christ can save us from this terrible condition. He gives us the means for our salvation. All these disappear with another gift called “hope”. A hope not based on persons or things of this world, but on the solid unshakable rock, our Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed and fortunate are those who hope in Christ, the only real hope in the world.
  We must also pay attention to the “now”, that is, every moment of our life, because it has great importance. Unfortunately, the majority of the people leave the “now” unexploited. A duty exists for every moment and we are called to do something, no matter how small it appears. What is a glass of water worth which someone offers to a thirsty man? Yet, our Lord said that even this small offering of the moment will not remain unrewarded (see Mt 10:42). Our life is the sum of moments, so we can guess the value every moment has. Therefore, we should perform our activity and work honestly and willingly.
  Throughout our life, from childhood until death, it is necessary to hymn and glorify God. The Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, will never cease to be hymned in all ages. Now and always and into the eternity they will be glorified, honoured and worshipped. Not only during the Divine Liturgy, but every hour and every moment it is necessary to honour and glorify God. How? By sanctifying every moment of our life, by performing our Christian duties. So, every moment will become a golden coin with the icon of Christ depicted on it.


Δευτέρα, 15 Φεβρουάριος 2021 23:17


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1b. Conscience

  naos The priest, standing before the altar, says the first prayer of the faithful. This prayer refers to “conscience”, specifically, the priest who is to offer the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist must have a clear conscience. But what is conscience?
   We can mention two persons as examples. They are involved in Christ’s Passion: Peter and Judas. Peter, the zealous disciple of Christ, boldly proclaimed that he would never betray his Lord, even if all the others did. Christ, however, told Peter: “Before the rooster crows tonight you will say three times that you don’t know me” (Mt 26,34). And so it happened. On the night of Holy Thursday, he watched the Divine Drama, hiding his own drama. His fear dominated him completely. He trembled with fear of being recognized as a disciple and arrested. Three times betrayed the Lord with curses and denials.
   Certainly, his conscience existed but it was asleep. With the crow of the rooster his conscience woke up. Just then Christ was passing through the courtyard and his glimpse affected him. Aware of his sin Peter went out and wept bitterly. However, with the help of the Divine Grace he repented and God’s peace returned to his heart.
   Judas was one of the Twelve but his sin was greater than Peter’s. Peter denied Christ from fear, but Judas betrayed Him from avarice. He sold his Teacher for thirty coins, the price of a slave. When he accepted the purse of the coins his conscience was diseased, darkened, distorted by avarice. Later, when he learnt that Christ was condemned, his conscience woke up. Like a stormy, troubled sea, it cast up great waves of despair, trying to drown him. Completely alone without the help of the Divine Grace, he fought the raging waves but he was overwhelmed by them. In despair, he ended his own life. He hung himself. Selfish people may kneel down and repent but avarice hardens the heart, darkens and confuses the mind.
   Conscience is the faculty of the soul which distinguishes good from evil. It is a natural part of man’s soul. Adam and Eve, the first to sin, felt the remorse of conscience and tried to hide from God’s sight. Cain, the first murderer, could never calm himself. The voice: “Cain, Cain where is your brother?” would not leave him in peace. As St. Chrysostomos said, it is better to be stung by a scorpion than by the conscience. When our passions roar in our souls, the voice of conscience can’t be heard. However, when Christ will be back to judge the world, the voice of our conscience will be endless and unbearable. It will be an eternal damnation.

Τρίτη, 16 Φεβρουάριος 2021 23:04


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1a. Faithful/Good people

  ekklhsia If order must prevail during the first part, the Liturgy of the Catechumens (those not yet baptized), so that everyone can hear the petitions, the prayers, readings and sermon, order must prevail much more in the second part. Now the Lord, no longer as Teacher but as Archpriest, prepares to celebrate the Sacrament of the Divine Eucharist, to offer His body and blood to the faithful. Those who really confess the “Symbol of the Faith” are the faithful. Only these can participate in this mystery of the Holy Eucharist.
   Are faithful the “christians” who come to church only on Christmas and Easter? If one were to ask these people: “Why don’t you come to church regularly?” The answer would be: “We don’t go to church, but we are good people.” Those who sign their own certificates of merit, are sadly mistaken.
   First, they don’t know themselves. If they were to examine their own lives from childhood to this day, they would find that they have often violated God’s will as expressed in Scripture. No matter how good they may appear to be, they may be corrupt at heart. If they don’t do evil acts, this might be for fear of becoming caught in the nets of human justice.
  Secondly, those who claim to be good don’t know the Bible. Because in the Gospels we read that in order to be saved, good deeds are not enough, no matter how many or how great they might be. A thousand acts of charity can’t save the unbeliever. If good acts could save a man, then it was not necessary for the Son of God to come into the world and be crucified. His sacrifice would have been in vain.
   So, we are saved through faith. “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mk 16,16). Faith is indispensible for salvation. The same faith is indispensible for participation in the mystery of the Holy Eucharist. We gain nothing if we go to church because it is the custom, if we go without faith in Christ.

Τρίτη, 26 Ιανουάριος 2021 11:36


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  Bishop Augoustinos N. Kantiotes (1907-2010) wrote short sermons on the Divine Liturgy. These sermons are characterized by their simple style and language. They are not intended for theologians or specialists, but for common people. So many examples are used to make their message clear. Although they are simply written, they deal with profound theological issues.
  These sermons were published in Greek in two volumes. In the second volume (ἐπισκόπου Αὐγουστίνου Ν. Καντιώτου, μητροπ. Φλωρίνης, Εἰς τήν Θείαν Λειτουργίαν, Πρακτικαί Ὁμιλίαι, τόμ. Β΄, ἔκδ. Ε΄, «Σταυρός», Ἀθῆναι 2007) the author gives a more detailed discussion of the more important part of the Divine Liturgy, “The Liturgy of the Faithful”. We’ll translate, in a series of articles, some extracts from this book.
 leitourgia The Divine Liturgy is one of God’s greatest gifts to man. While participating in it, the believer not only communicates with the Triune God, but is mystically united with the God-Man, our Lord. The Divine Liturgy is a beautiful service of petitions and supplications, which involves all of man’s material and spiritual needs. But above all is an offering. Man offers God the simple material gifts of bread and wine, and God in return offers man the same gifts changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. The moment when a believer receives the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is holy, divine and of utmost sweetness. Unfortunately, this treasure is perceived by only a few and appreciated by even fewer. A true believer is grieved when he sees that only very few people attend regularly church services.
  Hopefully, after reading these sermons, Christians will attend the Divine Liturgy with more reverence and will participate more often and with faith in the Holy Communion so that they can chant at the end: “We have seen the pure Light, we have found the true Faith, worshipping the undivided Trinity, Who has saved us”.